General News

Worship Service Updates

Beloved in Christ,

I am writing to update you again about our precautions around COVID at Christ Church. Many of you have reached out to me to ask questions and to request changes to our current practice. The pace for these changes has been and will continue to be determined by a number of factors including safety concerns as well as what is practically possible for everyone involved. We are looking into the feasibility of starting some of our autumn programs early, but it may be that we need to have some patience as we wait for the regular rhythms of the year to return.

We will be making two changes going forward.

First, we will return to singing hymns at our 10:30 service. All of our vaccinated folks at the 10:30 service will once again be able to make a joyful noise to the Lord.

Second, we will no longer be requiring folks to register for services ahead of time. I want to thank all of you who have been diligent in registering for services throughout the pandemic.

Initially, our other safety precautions at our Sunday morning services will remain in place. As we begin to see what the attendance numbers are like on Sunday morning we will be able to relax some of these precautions as seems prudent. Many of you have asked about returning to the common cup, receiving at the altar rail, celebrating the early service in the Lady chapel, returning Adult Education to church, and after-service hospitality. All of those changes are of course in our future. My approach to making changes during the pandemic has tried to be slow and steady and erring on the side of caution. I will make announcements about these changes when it seems prudent to resume those activities.

We will continue to livestream services on Facebook for the foreseeable future.

Groups who would like to meet in the church or in Fox Hall are in principle welcome to do so but please be in contact with me to confirm those details.

If you have any questions or concerns please be in touch with myself or with your Senior Warden, Charlotte Boatwright.

—Fr. Will

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