General News

October at Christ Church

It has been a great joy to see some folks start to attend our midweek masses. The masses have been a great opportunity to reconnect with some familiar faces and to meet new folks nearby to church during the week.

Upcoming Events

Feasts in October

St. Francis
October 4th – 9am

St. Philip, Deacon & Evangelist
October 11th – 9am

St. Luke, Evangelist
October 18th – 9am

Ss. Simon and Jude, Apostles
October 28th – 9am

Other Events

Vestry Meeting
October 17th – Noon
If you would like to attend the Vestry Meeting via Zoom please contact the office.

Regular Services


8 am – Holy Eucharist, Rite I
9:15 am – Adult Education
10:30 am – Holy Eucharist, Rite II
6:00 pm – Project Canterbury Evening Prayer

Monday – Thursday

9 am – Morning Prayer & Mass


1st: Jim R.
2nd: Troy
8th: Leasty
10th: Ben; Connie
14t: Jim H.

15th: Kathleen
19th: Allen; Missy
21st: Tom
24th: Libby; Noah
28th: Jordan
31st: Jamie

A Note from Fr. Will

It has been a great joy to see folks start to attend our midweek masses. The masses have been a great opportunity to reconnect with some familiar faces and to meet new folks nearby to church during the week. The juxtaposition we see at church between those who are long time worshippers schooled in piety and those who have wandered in for a brief moment of respite reminds me of the varied character of saintliness in our own church calendar. This week, for instance, we will keep William Tyndale on Wednesday and the feast of the Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary on Thursday. Tyndale, the English Reformation figure, and the Rosary are not an immediately obvious pair. The combination of focus on Scripture and of saintly intercession, though, hints at the necessary connection between Scripture and adoration in our own spiritual lives. The long slow move through ferial days and feasts of saints brings to mind the long slow growth of the Christian life itself. One of the joys of being in a church like ours in a location like ours is that we can open the church up on a Tuesday morning and see people at various places in their journey of faith all come in to take a breath, light a candle, and perhaps say a prayer.

We are also looking forward to the not so slowly approaching end of the year. Our Vestry will be putting together our budget. Our Stewardship committee will be gathering in pledges. Our Liturgy committee will be planning Advent and Christmas. To make all of those things happen, though, we need your help. Please prayerfully consider if you might want to stand to be a member of the Vestry or to get involved with one of our committees. Without your engagement in these vital functions of the body of Christ, we will not be able to go forward to the glory I know is before us.


Stewardship season is nearly upon us. If you would like to get a head start on pledging for next year, visit or call the office at (423) 266-4263


The Bishop will be with us on the 2nd of January for confirmation and reception into the Episcopal Church. Please contact Fr. Will or the office if you are interested in being confirmed or have any questions about the process. We will organize class times in the next few weeks.

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