General News

September at Christ Church

One hundred years ago Fr. Robertson wrote in “The Reminder” about the first twenty years of Christ Church: “It is the practice of the Catholic faith that has marked this parish for persecution, belittling, and yet for joy, triumph and an influence which we feel only Jesus knows in its fullness.” Christ Church was able to keep going because of its practice of the Catholic faith and its joy in that faith.

Upcoming Events

Feasts in September

Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
September 8th – 9 am

Exaltation of the Holy Cross
September 14th – 9 am

St. Matthew, Apostle & Evangelist
September 21st – 9 am

Our Lady of Walsingham
September 23rd – 5:30 pm

Other Events

Vestry Meeting
September 18th

Regular Services


8 am – Holy Eucharist, Rite I
9:15 am – Adult Education
10:30 am – Holy Eucharist, Rite II
6:00 pm – Project Canterbury Evening Prayer

Monday – Thursday

9 am – Morning Prayer & Mass


3rd: Michael; Josh
5th: Carol
6th: Jennifer
9th: Ginger
11th: Ronnie

16th: Emily; Elaine
17th: Alline
18th: Keaton; Shirley
27th: Robert
30th: Devon

A Note from Fr. Will

One hundred years ago Fr. Robertson wrote in “The Reminder” about the first twenty years of Christ Church: “It is the practice of the Catholic faith that has marked this parish for persecution, belittling, and yet for joy, triumph and an influence which we feel only Jesus knows in its fullness.” Christ Church was able to keep going because of its practice of the Catholic faith and its joy in that faith. I do not see any reason why we should not find ourselves in that very same situation yet again: rejoicing in the practice of our faith. Since I first came to Christ Church nearly one year ago, part of my brief has been to help build us up in that faith by bringing things old and new out of the storehouse. To that end, I want to try a few things in the weeks to come.

You will notice some additions to the liturgy on Sunday morning. Many of these changes will be small but some will be larger. These larger additions will bring our liturgy more into line with the long tradition of Catholic worship in our church and will help emphasize the faith as we have received it. We will remind ourselves of our belief in the efficacy of our sacraments and in the real presence of Christ. None of these changes will be made without specific teaching and explanation.

Daily mass has long been a source of spiritual nourishment, devotion, and strength in our tradition and in this parish. We can begin to build our own devotion by celebrating more often. Beginning on September 8, we will have morning prayer followed by mass at 9 am on Monday through Thursday. It would be wonderful if anyone would like to volunteer to lead Morning Prayer on days when I am away in order to continue regular worship in the church.

Finally, one of the surest signs of joy and of deep prayer is singing. We will, therefore, return to chanting and singing as much of the liturgy as we are able.

All of this will only serve its purpose if it leads us to know Jesus in his fullness as indeed he knows us. I ask for your prayers and I assure you of mine.


Stewardship season is nearly upon us. If you would like to get a head start on pledging for next year, visit or call the office at (423) 266-4263

For the Mission of the Church

Everliving God, whose will it is that all should come to you through your Son Jesus Christ: Inspire our witness to him, that all may know the power of his forgiveness and the hope of his resurrection; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

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