General News

CDC Guidelines Update

Many of you will be aware that with the arrival of the Delta variant of COVID-19 we have seen an increase in the number of cases in our area. The CDC and Hamilton County Health Department have now both recommended a return to wearing masks indoors for everyone regardless of whether they have received the vaccine. The safest option at this time for us will be a return to wearing masks indoors during our services. The altar party will be wearing masks except for when reading or preaching. A return to wearing masks at worship will seem tedious to many of us but masks appear to be the most prudent option at this point.

To protect the vulnerable people in our community, especially our children, I am asking that everyone who can safely wear a mask do so inside during worship.

The service will otherwise remain unchanged for the time being. We will continue to sing and to receive the sacrament in one kind. Please maintain distance from other folks as you able especially younger people who are not able to be vaccinated. My hope is that this change will be temporary and the number of cases will begin to decline again. I want to implore you once again to get vaccinated if you are not already.

-Fr. Will

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